8 Natural Ways Of Dealing With Stress

By Scholar
"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable 
form of mental illness"
Rechard Carlson
Dealing with stress.
In all our everyday life we deal with stress. Our bodies are designed to deal with brief amounts of stress but too much of it is harmful.
 Stress can be positive or negative.  Positive in situations like studying for an exam or a motivating factor when we are under pressure at work.

Negative stress which is more common is characterized by obesity, tension headache, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, heart problems, diabetes, sleeping and eating disorders.
To effectively deal with stress, first identify the cause, and then adopt a positive attitude. Accept things you can’t change but don’t sit there just doing nothing. That makes the situation worse as it gives one a feeling of helplessness.
Now here are 8 natural ways to deal with stress
1.      SLEEP
Get a good amount of sleep. Too little sleep makes one irritable, grouchy and on edge. Too much sleep makes one depressed and leaves one sluggish. The trick is in finding the right balance to leave you refreshed. The body should be wired to sleep at a certain time and be awake after a certain time too.

2.      EXERCISE
This may include going to the gym, running or yoga. It helps the mind relax and also releases tension from muscles. It doesn’t make the stress go away but it clears thoughts leaving your mind refreshed in order to deal clearly with problems. During exercise chemical endorphins are released which act as painkillers and mood lifters.
3.      MASSAGE
Massage relieves tension from muscles, reduces pain and improves blood circulation.
It leaves one relaxed.

Meditation is the silent time when you let your thoughts run free or just focus on your breathing for 15 to 30 minutes. Praying  relieves one of stress as you understand that someone else is in charge and you are not alone.
The phone and the internet are channels through which stress can reach us. What better way to deal with stress than to prevent it from occurring in the first place? Disconnecting from the internet and switching off our phones helps us focus on our surrounding and reconnect with ourselves.
Organizing your life leaves you with peace of mind and a feeling of being in control. Make lists of things you plan to do and keep things around you tidy.

Eat healthy foods such as whole grain, lots of proteins, almonds and salmon. Avoid sugary foods, junk food, lots of caffeine and alcohol.
Make time to be with people around you. Do fun things with family and friends. Being outdoors gives you the feeling of being part of something bigger and the knowledge that you are not alone.
All in all stress is part of everyday life. There is nothing like a stress free life because people worry about a lot of things from the boss at work to the weather. The trick is not to lose control.

About Author
 Scholasticah Moraa
Scolastica Moraa
She is a Kenyan lady, Currently a Student At 
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of 
Science And Technology.
She Studies Bachelor Of Actuarial Science
 and Currently She Is A second Year. 
She has passion In Writing Poems, Articles And Stories


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